
[Corinth Image] digital 2014 11139

Cover for Corinth 14 ... specific view


[Corinth Object] TF 111: MALE HEAD

Mouldmade solid head of a figurine. Thick neck, square face, slightly parted lips, long straight nose, shallow set eyes. Hair goes straight across brow from center part, knot in center, three horizontal ...


[Corinth Object] TF 140bis: LION

Mouldmade solid figurine of a lion. Lion is lying on a low base, facing left, with head raised and turned out to viewer. Hole in bottom of base. Fine pink clay, with rare, small, spherical, rounded, black ...


[Corinth Object] V 1: VOTIVE FOOT

Mouldmade left foot and ankle. Hollow ankle ending in narrow slot in sole. Flat but unevenly finished sole. Ankle bones exaggerated and incorrectly modelled. Incision for joints of toes and nails as ... 1931/05/04



Mouldmade mask of bearded male, back open and hollow. Hair and beard surround face, also has moustache. Texture of hair, beard and moustache made by deep narrow grooves in added clay. Lips are apart, ... 1931/04/18


[Corinth Object] V 41: VOTIVE HAND

Mouldmade left hand and wrist; fingers made in same mould as hand, no seperation of fingers, all parts are solid. Hand is flat, fingers held straight out, no modelling. On top of hand (below fourth finger) ... 1931/04/18


[Corinth Object] V 42: VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST

Mouldmade hollow breast, hollow, on plaque and apparently not made separate. Breast is very full, rounded; very small projection at top for nipple. White slip. Fine pink clay, with few, large to very ... 1931/05/04


[Corinth Object] V 44: VOTIVE RIGHT LEG

Mouldmade right lower leg and foot. Leg is hollow, open at top, narrowing as it goes down and opening into a narrow slot in sole of foot, slot from heel to middle of foot. Leg only slightly shaped. ... 1931/04/21


[Corinth Object] V 49: VOTIVE LEFT LEG

Mouldmade lower left leg and foot. Hollow leg, opening narrows considerably as it goes down to join foot. Study leg; slight raised ridge for shin bone near top; thick ankle. Tendon and ankle bones and ... 1931/04/21


[Corinth Object] V 55: VOTIVE ARM

Mouldmade right arm with hand. Hollow arm; arm is shaped, modelling for elbow; wrist and finger joints also modelled. Hand extended straight out, well observed, realistically modelled. Grooves over ...


[Corinth Object] V 71: VOTIVE FOOT

Mouldmade right foot and ankle; solid. Tendon at back has lump above heel; large inner ankle bone. First joint of toes modelled; second joint and nails indicated by incision. Flat foot; arch for instep ...


[Corinth Object] V 72: VOTIVE FOOT

Mouldmade right foot and ankle. Ankle is hollow and opening ends in a long narrow slot in bottom of heel; rest of foot solid; lump of clay in hollow area but not closing space entirely. Sole flat; ankle ...