[Corinth Coin] 2008 208: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Coin (AD 330 - AD 450)

AE trace of type effaced Nezi 389, Nezi Field, context 389, ... AD 330 - AD 450

[Corinth Coin] 2008 214: Byzantine Copper/Bronze Tet., Uncertain Greek. Mint (AD 1118 - AD 1204)

Uncertain Greek ... AE boldly clipped effaced Emp. Bust, wi gl. Cr. +…? (trace) Nezi 389 E 260.17 N 1001.49 El. 86.94, Nezi Field, context 389, ... AD 1118 - AD 1204


[Corinth Object] MF 2008 19: IVORY BUTTON

Button with flat base, slightly convex top; corresponds to Profile type I, Corinth XII, p. 299. Ivory Complete or intact. Intact. Light wear all over ... According to Corinth XII, p. 297, bone and ivory buttons at Corinth do not date later than the Byzantine period (10-12th c. A. C.).

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2008 by Joseph Lillywhite, Joel Rygorsky, Matthew Sears, Martin Wells (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13): Early Modern through Late Byzantine levels in Nezi Field

We, Joseph Lillywhite, Joel Rygorsky, Matthew Sears and Martin Wells, continued excavation in the entirety of Nezi Field from May 5 – June 13th, 2008. This report will summarize our own findings, while ...