
[Corinth Object] I 308: LATIN INSCRIPTION

Thin marble slab with inscription with plain sides, moulding on rear face near bottom, letters poorly to fairly well cut. From thinner slab belong I-308, I-647, and I-2067B; from thicker slab belong I-568, ... according to Corinth 8.3


[Corinth Object] I 2067a: LATIN INSCRIPTION

Thick marble slab with inscription with plain sides, moulding on rear face near bottom, letters poorly to fairly well cut. From thinner slab belong I-308, I-647, and I-2067B; from thicker slab belong I-568, ... according to Corinth 8.3


[Corinth Object] I 2067b: LATIN INSCRIPTION

Thin marble slab with inscription with plain sides, moulding on rear face near bottom, letters poorly to fairly well cut. From thinner slab belong I-308, I-647, and I-2067B; from thicker slab belong I-568, ... according to Corinth 8.3


[Corinth Object] I 568: LATIN INSCRIPTION

Thick marble slab with inscription with plain sides, moulding on rear face near bottom, letters poorly to fairly well cut. From thinner slab belong I-308, I-647, and I-2067B; from thicker slab belong I-568, ... according to Corinth 8.3