
[Corinth Notebook] 66

Corinth, 1910, 1911, 1914 ... Sanborn, C.A.R ... 1910: Vaulted Room and Chamber of E. Apse of Peirene. Room between this and E. Apse; 1911; General. Peirene. Pit in Plane Tree Square. Trench N. of Kavallari Bldg., near old Tr. VI A. NW corner of Greek ...


[Corinth Object] I 520: LATIN INSCRIBED BASE

Latin inscription, height of letters varies. Most likely cut middle of 1st c AD based on lettering and fact that Ti. Claudius Anaxilas as duumvir struck coins inscribed 'Nero Caesar' (Fox, 109 f., Nos ... 52/3 AD based on Corinth 8.2, p. 35