[Corinth Basket] NB128 P5

Deposit 128 5 NB128 P005 3.00 to 10.00 m. west of podium, in center to northern third, in marble chip layer Section VI-W ... 1932/05/26


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 128, spread 8 (pp. 5 - 6)

5 6 Pg. 6, S 1540, HEAD WITH MURAL CROWN; Female head Pg. 6, S 1541, Two hands Pg. 6, S 1542, Right hand


[Corinth Monument] Temple E

Standing 9 meters above the Forum, Temple E occupied as prominent a place in the Roman city as the Temple of Apollo. In its first phase, the temple had stone foundations, probably with a triple crepis ...


[Corinth Image] digital 2012 0711

HEAD WITH MURAL CROWN ... specific view Canon EOS 5D Mark II NB0 B0 P0 ... 2012-10-22 12:06:21+03