
[Corinth Object] V 124: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Forms only rendered, no modelling or incision for details. Fine orange clay with tiny black inclusions. Missing parts. Complete except most of plaque-- all corners-- ...


[Corinth Object] V 125: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Pubic area oval shape, shallow incised lines going in all directions to indicate hair. Rounded scrotum, pointed foreskin at tip. Red paint. Fine pale orange clay ...


[Corinth Object] V 126: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Penis from separate mould. Forms are schematic, no details or modelling, groove separating testicles. Surface of genitals rough, clay surface of plaque smooth ...


[Corinth Object] V 127: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Plaque has raised band at top and at ends on top pointed "antefix." Pubic hair, penis, and scrotum made in separate moulds, then assembled. Pubic hair is only ...