
[Corinth Notebook] 139

Corinth Excavations 1933-34.Agora S.E. #2 ... Broneer, O ... Field Notes Agora S.E.#2 Microfilmed 1970 ... 29/05/1933 - 21/04/1934


[Corinth Object] C 1934 550: BYZANTINE SLIP-PAINTED PLATE

Plate with fine, widely flaring ring foot, narrow resting surface, flat undersurface. Body flaring at ca. 35 degrees with slight convex profile. Similar to C-1933-711. In light slip, in center heraldic ... 12th c.


[Corinth Object] C 1934 553: BYZANTINE CHAMPLEVE BOWL

Bowl with hemispherical body, tapered lip. White slip over all. On interior, foot of human or bird, directed rt., with floral spray in medallion surrounded by beaded border; on upper body below lip broad ... Late 12th to early 13th c.


[Corinth Object] C 1934 554: CHAMPLEVE BOWL

Bowl with wide-flaring stem foot, nearly horizontal body in so far as preserved. Thick white slip inside and out. On floor, winged animal directed lt., of which have one wing, part of belly; wing has scales ... Late Byzantine