[Corinth Basket] NB79 P442

Deposit 79 442 Built into upper part of mediaeval manhole to Peirene, west of west stylobate of building ... Well mediaeval


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 79, spread 27 (pp. 442 - 443)

442 443 Pg. 442, I 677, INSCRIBED ARCHITRAVE-FRIEZE BLOCK: LATIN; Large fragment of white marble Pg. 443, C, Early Classical potsherds Pg. 443, S 1126, Fragment of small marble tree trunk


[Corinth Monument] Southeast Building

The portico 13 ionic columns which closed the east end of the upper forum served as the entrance to the Southeast building. In its earliest form, probably in the first half 1st century B.C., the building ...


[Corinth Image] bw 1963

Inscriptions ... 1928

[Corinth Publication] Latin Inscriptions from Corinth. III

Dean, L. R ... American Journal of Archaeology 26:4 451-476 ... October


[Corinth Publication] Corinth I.5. The Southeast Building, the Twin Basilicas, the Mosaic House

Weinberg, Saul S ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Corinth 1:5 This volume discusses the important, mainly Roman, buildings at the east end of the Corinthian Agora; the Julian Basilica and the Southeast Building, the South Basilica (immediately behind ... 1960


[Corinth Publication] Corinth VIII.2. Latin Inscriptions, 1896-1926

West, Allen Brown ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Corinth 8:2 This presentation of 226 Latin inscriptions found during the early years of excavation at Corinth is divided into two main sections: Inscriptions of the Republican period and Inscriptions of ... 1931