C 1964 399ATTIC RED-FIGURE OPEN SHAPE2019/06/22 2019/06/22 2019/06/22  
MF 213BONE NEEDLE2019/06/13  
A 1989 11UNFLUTED COLUMN SHAFT2019/06/11  
Z 928LATE HELLADIC I SHALLOW SEMI-GLOBULAR CUP ("TEA CUP")2019/04/15LH I. LH I or LH IIA based on shape and motif, Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, pp. 48, 353, 358, 621. 396–397. LH I based on excavator's reported context (Blegen 1928, Zyrougies, p. 135–136, fig 128.2.) 
Z 929LATE HELLADIC I SHALLOW SEMI-GLOBULAR CUP ("TEA CUP")2019/04/15LH I. LH I or LH IIA based on shape and motif, Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, pp. 48, 353, 358, 621. 396–397. LH I based on excavator's reported context (Blegen 1928, Zyrougies, p. 135–136, fig 128.3.) 
Z 930LATE HELLADIC I CYLINDRICAL CUP (VAPHEIO)2019/04/15LH I, based on Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, pp. 54–55, 396–397. 
Z 931LATE HELLADIC I CYLINDRICAL CUP (VAPHEIO)2019/04/15LH I, based on Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, pp. 54–55, 396–397. 
Z 934MYCENAEAN JAR OR JUG2019/04/15LH I, based on excavator's initial opinion (Blegen 1928, Zyrougies, p. 136, fig 128.6). 
Z 935LATE HELLADIC IIB DEEP ROUNDED BOWL WITH HORIZONTAL HANDLES2019/04/15based on Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, pp. 47, 331–332. 
Z 937MYCENAEAN SLENDER PIRIFORM PITHOID JAR2019/04/15based on Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, pp. 396–400. 
Z 941LATE HELLADIC IIB–IIIA1 TALL JUG WITH CUT-AWAY NECK (?)2019/04/15based on Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, pp. 257–260). 
Z 942EPHYRAEAN GOBLET2019/04/15based on Mountjoy 1983, BSA 78, p. 271. 
Z 936MYCENAEAN PITHOID JAR2019/04/13based on Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, pp. 276–278. 
Z 947MYCENAEAN STIRRUP JAR (FALSE-NECKED JAR)2019/04/13based on excavator's original conjecture (Blegen 1928, Zygouries, p. 138–139, fig. 130). No exact FM 62 type attested to aid in dating, not enough is preserved to understand the shape of the body to determine a FS for dating. 
Z 949LATE HELLADIC IIIA2–B VESSEL2019/04/13LH IIIA2–B, based on Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, p. 383, 386–389 
Z 956MYCENAEAN STEMMED CUP (KYLIX)2019/04/13based on Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, p. 59–62, 345, 351–352. 
Z 957MYCENAEAN DEEP SEMIGLOBULAR CUP2019/04/13based on Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, p. 383–388. 
MF 6014BONE PIN2017/11/20  
MF 2017 6BRONZE HANDLE2017/5/22