Romano, Corinth 20, 2003City Planning, Centuriation, and Land Division in Roman Corinth: Colonia Laus Iulia Corinthiensis \& Colonia Iulia Flavia Augusta Corinthiensis 
Rutter, Corinth 20, 2003Corinth and the Corinthia in the Second Millenium B.C.: Old Approaches, New Problems 
Sanders, Corinth 20, 2003Recent Developments in the Chronology of Byzantine Corinth 
Slane, Corinth 20, 2003Corinth's Roman Pottery: Quantification and Meaning 
Vanderpool, Corinth 20, 2003Roman Portraiture: The Many Faces of Corinth 
Walbank, Corinth 20, 2003Aspects of Corinthian Coinage in the Late 1st and early 2nd Centuries A.C. 
Whitbread, Corinth 20, 2003Clays of Corinth: The Study of a Basic Resource for Ceramic Production 
Williams & Bookidis, Corinth 20, 2003Corinth [XX], the Centenary: 1896-1996