[Corinth Lot] LOT 2335: Agora SW Section K, Area VIII

Between wall 22 and the Turkish House, north of wall 27; pottery date of 3/4 12th c. AC ... Between wall 22 and the Turkish House, north of wall 27; pottery date of 3

[Corinth Lot] LOT 4461: LT: Building M:21-22, foundation trench for south wall

To this lot added lots 4459, 4460; two absolute levels for pt. L: Dinsmoor: 170.755; Other: 170.60 Original stratum: LT: Area B, cut 22:1964. Layers 21, 22, 22, 23A Temp Lot Number: 497 ... 22:1964. Layers 21, 22, 22, 23A

[Corinth Lot] LOT 4376: MT: Room O:21-22, layer 3

2015: tray rotted Original stratum: Area A: Cut 8:1965: West of wall 74, room M test pit, layer 3 underlying wall 75 Temp Lot Number: 414 ... MT: Room O:21-22, layer 3

[Corinth Lot] LOT 4387: LT: Surface layer

Original stratum: Area A: Cuts 22:1965, 25:1965, surface to -0.20 m. Temp Lot Number: 425 ... Original stratum: Area A: Cuts 22:1965, 25:1965, surface to -0.20 m. Temp Lot

[Corinth Lot] LOT 4373: MT: Room O:21-22, ??

2015: tray rotted Original stratum: Area A: cut 8:1965. West: between walls 73 and 74 to bottom of wall 74 Temp Lot Number: 411 ... 2015: tray rotted Original stratum: Area A: cut 8:1965. West: between walls 73

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2171: LT: dumped debris against later (?) phase west wall of Building N-O:22-23

1982: mended with relevant lots; join: 4461 (MF-12872) Original stratum: LT: Cut 17:1964. Pottery dump west of wall 43, -0.32 to -0.73 below surface Temp Lot Number: 232 ... NB280 B3 P143

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2178: LT: Building N-O:22-23, dumped pottery fill over northwest quarter

1982: mended with related lots; probably = lot 2152, but since it gives fills below 42 and over 45, definitely better to leave it separate (NB) Original stratum: LT: Cut 17:1964, north of wall 42, east ... LT: Building N-O:22-23, dumped pottery fill over northwest quarter

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2152: LT: Dumped pottery fill over Building N-O:22-23

Probably same fill as lot 2185; join with lot 1991 (MF-11279); RF joins lot 4474, 4477; bell krater joins lots 4474, 4475; RF amphora joins lots 4474, 2170 ; non-jng. same vase in lots 2250, 6214, 2249 ... NB283 B3 P9