[Corinth Basket] NB81 B30 P209

Basket/zembil 81 30 209 Trench I, N I [p. 208] I have put the men from G into a new section further to the northwest - section N. [p. 209] Section N. N I 0.00-0.35 below ground. A good many sherds ... LH III

[Corinth Basket] NB81 B31 P217

Basket/zembil 81 31 217 Trench I, J In trench J we are still pursuing the walls which run off to the sides. There is a complex of walls to the west. One wall also crosses to east. [Tzonou-Herbst= same ... 1915/06/04

[Corinth Basket] NB81 B32 P217

Basket/zembil 81 32 217 Trench I, L I extension Section L we are widening to double its width. This is to give us room to dig down deep inside the walls which have appeared. L I extension 0.00-0.20 ... based on inventoried pottery

[Corinth Basket] NB81 B33 P217

Basket/zembil 81 33 217 Trench I, N II Section N we are finishing level II 0.35-0.60 deep. N II 0.35-0.60: a good many pieces of poor Mycenaean. Note spindle whorl of steatite. [p. 357] N II 0.35-0.60 ... LH IIIC based on inventoried pottery

[Corinth Basket] NB81 B34 P217

Basket/zembil 81 34 217 Trench I, J extension From extension N.E. from J following a wall we gathered some sherds. These to a depth of 1-0.40. [James and Nakassis= depth is probably 0-0.40] [Tzonou-Herbst= ... 1915/06/04

[Corinth Basket] NB81 B35 P219

Basket/zembil 81 35 219 Trench I, L II extension In section L we have found a floor level at 0.35 below ground. Above this level we found numerous fragments of a large pithos. The floor itself is made ... LH IIIB2/IIIC Early based on inventoried pottery

[Corinth Basket] NB81 B36 P219

Basket/zembil 81 36 219 Trench I, N III N III 0.60-0.80. Largely Mycenaean sherds of medium quality. Note large wheelmade {sketo} sherd. [p. 357] N III 0.60-0.80 Mycenaean LM III most of tray. Minyan ... LH III

[Corinth Basket] NB81 B37 P219

Basket/zembil 81 37 219 Trench I, N IV N IV 0.80-1.05. Considerable no. of Mycenaean: several rather good ones. Note fragm. of upper part of a kylix. Also stem of another kylix. [p. 357] N IV 0.80-1.05 ... LH III