
[Corinth Object] L 2006 1: TYPE XXVII LAMP WITH NEREID

Broneer Type XXVII lamp with concave disk with one fill hole off-center; small air hole on disk edge at bottom of nozzle. Unglazed. Rim with ovules interrupted by raised rectangular panels at two sides ... Broneer type XXVII, category 3 or 4 is Hadrianic (Corinth IV, ii); Slane dates the type as early 3rd century (Corinth XVIII, ii); LIMC gives 2nd century date for Delphi example.


[Corinth Object] MF 2006 22: SQUARE LEAD WEIGHT

Weight, square, with three equidistant holes (0.009 one from the other, 0.006 from the edges) in a row dividing one square side in two equal parts (0.015 from either edge). Similar to MF 2000 4, MF 2007 ... 2006/06/21