[Corinth Coin] 2007 104: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Antoninianus of Aurelian, Cyzicus Mint (AD 272 - AD 273)

Cyzicus ... Aurelian ... AE IMP C AURELIANUS AVG Bust r., rad., cuir. RESTITVT OR-BIS Female figure crowning emp. L. in ex.; A N of Nezi 5023 N of Room F (cleaning), Nezi Field, context 5023, ... AD 272 - AD 273

[Corinth Coin] 2007 206: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Minimus (AD 400 - AD 599)

AE Effaced Effaced unstrat. From cleaning inside room north of Room F, E1/2 Room F, Nezi Field, context 5023, ... AD 400 - AD 599