
[Corinth Monument] Panayia

The Panayia Field, southeast of the Forum, has been the site of excavations started in 1995 by Charles Williams and subsequently continued under the direction of Guy Sanders. Roman are the best preserved; ...


[Corinth Object] S 1999 2: MARBLE STATUETTE: HERAKLES

Male figure, nude, leaning against tree to proper lt. with weight on right leg, foot turned out, relaxed left leg and foot forward, right arm behind back with hand, palm out, resting on rt. buttock, lt ... Middle Roman, Context 2nd half 4th AC to Frankish, 19th c.; later 2nd or 3rd c. according to Stirling



Statuette of veiled female who stands with weight on lt. leg, rt. bent, foot extended and turned out slightly; head turned 3/4 to proper lt., lt. arm bent forearm extended 3/4 to side, rt. arm originally ... Early Roman or Antonine, Context 2nd half 4th c. A.C.' 1st or 2nd c. A.C. according to Stirling


[Corinth Object] S 1999 7: MARBLE STATUETTE: ROMA

Statuette, ca. 1/3 life-size, of a seated figure of Roma, head turned slightly to proper lt., rt. foot turned out slightly, left foot pulled back, rt. arm down and out, palm tilted, open, lt. arm out and ... Middle Roman, context 2nd half 4th c. A.C.; mid 3rd c. or later according to Stirling