[Corinth Basket] NB133 P6

Deposit 133 6 NB133 P006 From robbed wall trench in Stoa at L:22 (p.9) F:27 (plan on p. 10) about 0.25 m. above stylobate of stoa ... 1932/06/10


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 133, spread 7 (pp. 5 - 6)

5 6 Pg. 5, North of St John, 9/6/1932, C 1932 201, STAMPED ARRETINE PLATE: FLOOR; [?] Pg. 5, North of St John, 9/6/1932, C 1932 194, small bronze object Pg. 6, Well 1932-2, 10/6/1932, MF 2618, fragment ... 9/6/1932, 10/6/1932