[Corinth Basket] NB133 P91

Deposit 133 91 NB133 P091 From Well K2 -11.30 to -13.70 ... 1933/04/22


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 133, spread 50 (p. 79)

79 Pg. 79, 10/4/1933, C 1933 370, byzantine pot Pg. 79, 10/4/1933, C 1933 371, byzantine pot Pg. 79, 10/4/1933, C 1933 372, byzantine pot Pg. 79, 8/4/1933, C 1933 406, byzantine pot Pg. 79, 7/4/1933, C ... 10/4/1933, 8/4/1933, 7/4/1933


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 133, spread 60 (pp. 91 - 92)

91 92 Pg. 91, Area p-Y: 1-12 (p 54), 22/4/1933, CL 1718, Roman lamp of a type not found at Corinth Pg. 91, Area p-Y: 1-12 (p 54), 22/4/1933, FA 315, fragment of terra cotta antefix Pg. 91, Area p-Y: 1-12 ... 22/4/1933


[Corinth Image] digital 2014 1640

Measles ware ... Dellatolas, Petros ... specific view DRAWER 232 Canon EOS 5D Mark II P0 ... 2010-05-11 00:00:00+03