[Corinth Basket] NB159 P260

Deposit 159 260 Area 2 pit 3 west of Byzantine road Area 2, Pit 3, west of Byzantine road Pit 3 west of Byzantine road ... 1936/05/09


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 159, spread 43 (pp. 259 - 260)

259 260 Pg. 260, Pit 1936 3, 9/5/1936 (cont/), MF 5757, Fragments of glass Pg. 260, Pit 1936 3, 9/5/1936 (cont/), C 1936 384, BYZANTINE WHITE WARE CUP Pg. 260, Pit 1936 3, 9/5/1936 (cont/), C 1936 385, ... 9/5/1936 (cont/)