
[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 65 (pp. 119 - 120)

119 120 Pg. 120, KP 278, Large kitchen pot [?] Pg. 120, KP 243, Small pyxis [?] Pg. 120, KP 244, Small pyxis [?} Pg. 120, Drawing, Plan of Grave A [?]


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 108, spread 22 (pp. 34 - 35)

34 35 Pg. 34, Objects froma area N of trial Trench E; vases, KV 331, small oinochoe complete Pg. 34, Objects froma area N of trial Trench E; vases, KV 338, miniature rounded oinochoe with round lip Pg ...