
[Corinth Monument] Zygouries

Prehistoric site excavated by Carl Blegen.


[Corinth Image] bw 2006 009 13

Mycenean figurine ... specific view

[Corinth Basket] NB990

Deposit 990 NB990, P134 (plan of graves), P136, P138, P142, P147, P152, P153, P154 (grave goods), P156, P160, P163 NB990, P134 (plan of graves), P143, P148, P151, P157, P159, P161 (grave goods), P164 P165, ... 1922

[Corinth Publication] Zygouries: a prehistoric settlement in the valley of Cleonae

Blegen, Carl William ... Harvard University Press ... The settlement of Zygouries in the northeast Peloponnese, excavated in 1921 and 1922, provides a valuable example of an Early Helladic village, with winding streets and modest, double-chambered houses ... 1928