
[Corinth Object] L 2: LAMP BRONEER TYPE I

Curving sides merging into narrow flat rim; central open socket; unglazed. Reddish brown clay; micaceous. Complete or intact. Nozzle restored. WM

[Corinth Object] L 3: LAMP BRONEER TYPE I

Slightly curving sides. No rim. Small spoon-shaped nozzle with large wick-hole. No base. Unglazed. Cf. Waldhauer, pl. I, 7.2 (4). Mottled red and buff clay. HM


[Corinth Object] L 4: LAMP BRONEER TYPE I

Lamp with flat bottom, biconical body with upper half slightly higher than lower, tapering to flat rim, not overhanging. Max. diam. at carination. Large nozzle with large wick hole. Lamp heavy. Fine buff ... Archaic


[Corinth Object] L 5: LAMP BRONEER TYPE I

Lamp with slightly concave bottom, lower half of body flaring to carination, upper half vertical, broad flat rim overhanging on interior only, only slightly articulated on exterior; moderate fill hole; ... Archaic