
[Corinth Coin] 1925 201: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Orchomenos Mint (370 BC - 301 BC)

Orchomenos ... AE Artemis kneeling r.; wearing short chiton; petasos hanging from neck; bow in left hand; right hand resting on ground; hound facing r. behind [ERXOMEN - IVN] Callisto seated l.; falling back; pierced ... 370 BC - 301 BC


[Corinth Coin] 1925 202: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Quadrans of Senatorial Mint, Rome Mint (AD 39 - AD 40)

Rome ... Senatorial Mint ... AE [C CAE]SAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG, S-C Pilius; S-C [P]O[N] M [TR] P III P [P CO]S TE[RT] R[CC] in center Obv: pilius South of Glauke Excavation Date: 7/10/1925 Notebook 86, . Study Collection. Data Entry ... AD 39 - AD 40


[Corinth Coin] 1925 203: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Sestertius of Senatorial mint, Rome Mint (AD 41 - AD 54)

Rome ... Senatorial mint ... AE TI [CL]AVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP Head of Claudius r., laureate SPES - AVGVSTA, SC Spes draped, advancing l., holding flower in r. hand, raising skirt with l.; SC in exergue Rev: SC in exergue NCAPR ... AD 41 - AD 54


[Corinth Coin] 1925 206: Roman Imperial Silver Antoninianus of Macrianus II, Asia? Mint (AD 260 - AD 261)

Asia? ... Macrianus II ... AR IMP [C F]VL MACR[IAN]VS P F AVG Emperor head r., radiate; drapery at l. shoulder IO[VI] CONSERVATORI Jupiter seated l., holding patera in r. and scepter in l.; to l., at his feet, eagle Greek Stoa; ... AD 260 - AD 261