
[Corinth Object] TF 111: MALE HEAD

Mouldmade solid head of a figurine. Thick neck, square face, slightly parted lips, long straight nose, shallow set eyes. Hair goes straight across brow from center part, knot in center, three horizontal ...


[Corinth Object] TF 140bis: LION

Mouldmade solid figurine of a lion. Lion is lying on a low base, facing left, with head raised and turned out to viewer. Hole in bottom of base. Fine pink clay, with rare, small, spherical, rounded, black ...


[Corinth Object] V 1: VOTIVE FOOT

Mouldmade left foot and ankle. Hollow ankle ending in narrow slot in sole. Flat but unevenly finished sole. Ankle bones exaggerated and incorrectly modelled. Incision for joints of toes and nails as ... 1931/05/04



Mouldmade mask of bearded male, back open and hollow. Hair and beard surround face, also has moustache. Texture of hair, beard and moustache made by deep narrow grooves in added clay. Lips are apart, ... 1931/04/18


[Corinth Object] V 41: VOTIVE HAND

Mouldmade left hand and wrist; fingers made in same mould as hand, no seperation of fingers, all parts are solid. Hand is flat, fingers held straight out, no modelling. On top of hand (below fourth finger) ... 1931/04/18


[Corinth Object] V 42: VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST

Mouldmade hollow breast, hollow, on plaque and apparently not made separate. Breast is very full, rounded; very small projection at top for nipple. White slip. Fine pink clay, with few, large to very ... 1931/05/04


[Corinth Object] V 44: VOTIVE RIGHT LEG

Mouldmade right lower leg and foot. Leg is hollow, open at top, narrowing as it goes down and opening into a narrow slot in sole of foot, slot from heel to middle of foot. Leg only slightly shaped. ... 1931/04/21


[Corinth Object] V 49: VOTIVE LEFT LEG

Mouldmade lower left leg and foot. Hollow leg, opening narrows considerably as it goes down to join foot. Study leg; slight raised ridge for shin bone near top; thick ankle. Tendon and ankle bones and ... 1931/04/21


[Corinth Object] V 55: VOTIVE ARM

Mouldmade right arm with hand. Hollow arm; arm is shaped, modelling for elbow; wrist and finger joints also modelled. Hand extended straight out, well observed, realistically modelled. Grooves over ...


[Corinth Object] V 71: VOTIVE FOOT

Mouldmade right foot and ankle; solid. Tendon at back has lump above heel; large inner ankle bone. First joint of toes modelled; second joint and nails indicated by incision. Flat foot; arch for instep ...


[Corinth Object] V 72: VOTIVE FOOT

Mouldmade right foot and ankle. Ankle is hollow and opening ends in a long narrow slot in bottom of heel; rest of foot solid; lump of clay in hollow area but not closing space entirely. Sole flat; ankle ...



Mouldmade hollow head of youth. Punch hole for nostril inside nose and groove outside; nose twisted slightly to right. Eye has heavy lids. Ear set at angle to face, added to clay on top of hair. Hair ... 1931/04/22


[Corinth Object] V 98: VOTIVE ARM

Mouldmade left arm and hand. Arm hollow; rounded top; hole in top and one on back of arm near top. Arm bent slightly; forms given shape and modelling for elbow and inside of elbow and wrist bone. Hand ...


[Corinth Object] V 99: VOTIVE HEAD

Mouldmade female head and neck, neck terminates in flange so head can stand. Hollow with hole W. ca. 0.025 in top of back of head. Oval face; long straight nose, punch holes for nostrils, groove for ...


[Corinth Object] V 102: VOTIVE HEAD

Mouldmade fragment of head. Plaque with flange ca 0.100 high on top, hole in flange near top. Plaque has in relief preserved hair with wavy grooves for locks and small part of forehead. Maroon, black ... 1931/05/14


[Corinth Object] V 105: VOTIVE LEFT FOOT

Mouldmade miniature left foot. Joints of toes and outline of nails indicated by incised lines. Deep, gouged grooves separate toes. Hollow, smooth interior, from ankle to bottom of heel. Bottom of foot ... 1931/05/14


[Corinth Object] V 111: VOTIVE TEMPLE BOY

Mouldmade seated child. Left leg flat on ground bent and drawn in toward body; right knee bent, foot on ground. Ball (?) in left hand which rests on left knee; right hand on right knee. Fleshy body; ...


[Corinth Object] V 112: VOTIVE HEAD

Mouldmade female head and neck, neck terminates in flange, flange enables head to stand. Hollow. Short thick neck. Round face. Lips are full and parted with wide groove and hole in corner. Long straight ...


[Corinth Object] V 113: VOTIVE GOAT'S LEG

Mouldmade left goat's leg. Well modelled leg with tenon at top for insertion into animal's shoulder. Groove in hoof for seperation. Slant of leg when hoof placed flat indicates leg was stretched forward ...


[Corinth Object] V 116: VOTIVE CHEST

Mouldmade male chest; three quarters chest and right arm to elbow, neck to waist; arm and body attached to each other. Hollow, hole in top, opening closed at bottom of chest and arm. Right arm at base ...


[Corinth Object] V 117: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Penis from separate mould. No details or modelling of forms; rough surface. White sizing, red paint. Fine buff to light orange clay. Missing parts. Complete except ...


[Corinth Object] V 118: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade genitals. In each corner of pubic area a hole for suspension. Pubic hair is indicated by plastic curls with grooves for individual locks. Grooves at top of scrotum and between testicles to ...


[Corinth Object] V 119: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade genitals with a hole for suspension pierced in middle near top of pubic area. Hole in tip of penis where foreskin comes together. Black and maroon paint. Penis and scrotum painted red, pubic ...


[Corinth Object] V 120: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Moudmade genitals attached to a plaque. Plaque on top has three points, one at each corner and one in middle; in middle point is a hole for suspension. In back, areas behind each testicle and top of ...


[Corinth Object] V 121: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade (?) genitals attached to plaque. Pubic are triangular and covered with punch holes. Hole and horizontal gouge at tip of penis on top. Suspension holes pierced in plaque near top edge. White ...


[Corinth Object] V 122: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade genitals on plaque. Plaque has raised band at top and directly below band in center two holes for suspension pierce the plaque. Shape of pubic hair is schematic, three points of a star; just ...


[Corinth Object] V 123: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade male genitals. Pubic area, scrotum and penis all schematized forms, no details or modelling. Fine pink clay, with few, large to very large, spherical, rounded, black inclusions Complete or intact ...


[Corinth Object] V 124: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Forms only rendered, no modelling or incision for details. Fine orange clay with tiny black inclusions. Missing parts. Complete except most of plaque-- all corners-- ...


[Corinth Object] V 125: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Pubic area oval shape, shallow incised lines going in all directions to indicate hair. Rounded scrotum, pointed foreskin at tip. Red paint. Fine pale orange clay ...


[Corinth Object] V 126: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Penis from separate mould. Forms are schematic, no details or modelling, groove separating testicles. Surface of genitals rough, clay surface of plaque smooth ...


[Corinth Object] V 127: VOTIVE MALE GENITALS

Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Plaque has raised band at top and at ends on top pointed "antefix." Pubic hair, penis, and scrotum made in separate moulds, then assembled. Pubic hair is only ...


[Corinth Object] V 128: VOTIVE FEMALE BREASTS

Mouldmade breasts attached to plaque. Plaque comes to a point on top; two suspension holes near middle and close to edge of plaque. Full, round breasts, button shaped nipples. White sizing, red paint ...


[Corinth Object] V 129: VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST

Mouldmade breast attached to plaque. Suspension hole near top edge of plaque (diam. 0.005). Breast hollow; small hole punched in back of plaque (diam. 0.004). Full, round breast, button shaped nipple ... 1931/05/30


[Corinth Object] V 130: VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST

Mouldmade breast attached to plaque. Breast is small, cone-shaped, and pointed, button-shape nipple. Indentations/depressions around base of breast as though in attaching breast to plaque. White slip ... 1931/05/30


[Corinth Object] V 131: VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST

Mouldmade single breast attached to plaque. Suspension holes on upper corners of plaque. Small pointed breast with nipple projecting ca. 0.008 from breast; nipple has hole in it. White sizing. Fine buff ...


[Corinth Object] V 132: VOTIVE EAR

Handmade right and left ear attached to rectangular plaque; lobes of ears are pierced. White sizing. Fine buff clay. Missing parts. Two ears intact; one corner of plaque preserved, rest RIP. F28 HM Asklepieion ...


[Corinth Object] V 133: VOTIVE EAR

Handmade ear, flat in back though unfinished clay surface. Wide groove and ridges to indicate forms of ear. Fine reddish yellow clay, with rare spherical, subrounded, medium brown inclusions Complete ...


[Corinth Object] V 134: VOTIVE CHEST AND ABDOMEN

Mouldmade hollow chest and abdomen of a seated figure. Full belly, slightly modelled chest and back. Break for left leg shows it lays flat on ground. Temple boy? Fine pink clay, rare, platy, rounded, ... 1931/05/23


[Corinth Object] V 135: VOTIVE EYE

Handmade plaque with an eye incised on it; wide groove for outline of eye and circle for pupil. Very faint trace of white sizing and red paint. Fine buff clay. Fragment. Single fragment preserving full ...


[Corinth Object] V 137: VOTIVE LEG

Mouldmade left leg with buttock and foot. Hollow leg; opening in top covered with flat clay cap; hole in center of cap, max. p. dim. 0.043. On front at top projecting lump of clay perhaps only method ...