[Corinth Lot] LOT 6502: UT: S-T:21 theater, gravel fill over lowest steps

Original stratum: UT: Cut 4:1970, stepped terrace, layer 5: gray-gravelly fill over lowest steps

[Corinth Lot] LOT 6503: UT: Theater, miniature hydria dump

Original stratum: UT: Cut 4:1970, stepped terrace, miniature hydria dump and associated black stratum over terrace floor

[Corinth Lot] LOT 6506: UT: Temple T-U:22, construction fill against south wall

Original stratum: UT: Cut 6:1970, Building X, working chips behind foundation

[Corinth Lot] LOT 6510: LT: Building J:23, fill beneath floor

Original stratum: LT: Cut 7:1970: Building Y, red pebbley fill under floor

[Corinth Lot] LOT 6511: LT: Building I-J:21-22, foundation trench for south wall

Original stratum: LT: Cut 8:1970, Building Z, foundation trench for wall 189

[Corinth Lot] LOT 6512: LT: Fill in rectangular cutting under landing 4 of stairway

Original stratum: LT: Fill from large rectangular cutting west of Room U under landing block of stairway