[Corinth Basket] Forum northeast, Robbing trench of south foundation of first Roman: Robbing trench of south foundation of first Roman

Deposit Lot 1980-095 Robbing trench of south foundation of first Roman stoa, north of Drain 1 ... 1980/05/12;1980/05/13

[Corinth Basket] Forum northwest, Northwest Shops Well B, within portico S. of Shop: Northwest Shops Well B, within portico S. of Shop

Deposit Northwest Shops Well B, within portico S. of Shop VII, bottom of well. Modern backfill of earlier excavations. Context meaningless ... 1963/11/30

[Corinth Basket] Forum northwest, Northwest Shops, Well B within portico, S. of Shop: Northwest Shops, Well B within portico, S. of Shop

Deposit Northwest Shops, Well B within portico, S. of Shop VII, bottom of well: modern backfill of earlier excavation material; context irrelevant ... 1963/11/30

[Corinth Basket] Forum south central

Deposit Inventory se ... 1972/03/27

[Corinth Basket] Forum south central, area just north of Byzantine pottery est: area just north of Byzantine pottery est

Deposit NB P112 i-l:9-11, area just north of Byzantine pottery establishment, in medieval fill, -0.95 to -1.70 m ... 1938/03/11